Friday 29 July 2016

Another Year Another Episode of Celebrity Big Brother - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Yet another year passes, and another pathetic series of Big Brother is foisted on the air waves.

Apparently the World Will End Again Today - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - According to some Christians today the world will end as the earth's magnetic field shifts and Jesus Christ will come back floating on a white horse. Either that or it will be just another Friday.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Gossip Trump Has Lost the Election Already - Daily Squib

DELAWARE - USA - Donald Trump has a big fat mouth and he cannot control himself. This is why he has already lost the election.

Welcome to Merkel's Schengen Death Zone of Terror - Daily Squib

MUNICH - Germany - The attacks occur daily within the Schengen death zone, and yet not a word from Merkel, the woman who invited millions of migrants into Europe last year causing a crisis of infiltration never before seen in the continent before.

Monday 25 July 2016

Britain Must Repeal the 1972 European Communities Act Immediately - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - We must stop dilly dallying around. Brexit means Brexit. Leave means Leave. Repeal the 1972 European Communities Act Immediately.

Sunday 24 July 2016

John Redwood the Only Vanguard Brexiteer? - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Brexit means Brexit. John Redwood is correct in voicing his concerns in how the Brexit is being conducted with new threats coming to the fore daily.

An Ode to the Deafening Silence of Gove - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Where art thou Gove O wielder of sharp knives and analytical articulation to forge a Brexit as was promised?

Friday 22 July 2016

Thursday 21 July 2016

After the Coup Attempt Erdogan Reshuffles Turkish Government - Daily Squib

ANKARA - Istanbul - Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after the coup attempt, has reshuffled his parliament and government to best ensure his reign for a very, very long time.

If You Want to Die Vote Trump - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - People will die under a Trump presidency, probably in their millions, and this is a guarantee because where there is Trump, there will be war.

Erdoğan Wants Turkey to Reintroduce Arabic Alphabet - Daily Squib

ANKARA - Turkey - President Recep Tayip Erdogan of Turkey has pronounced the Westernised current Turkish alphabet as immoral and an affront to his Islamist agenda.

Comrade Corbyn On Final Putsch to Cleanse Labour of Dissenters - Daily Squib

ISLINGTON - England - Supreme Comrade Jeremy Corbyn has spoken of his distrust of many in the party and how a final purge is on the way once he destroys the opposition with extreme prejudice.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

PMQs: Maggie's Back With a Vengeance - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - PM Theresa May's first PMQs got off to a wonderful start as she gave Jeremy Corbyn a good solid kicking whilst channelling the spirit of Thatcher.

Monday 18 July 2016

Dear Americans: Under Martial Law They Will Take Your Guns - Daily Squib

BATON ROUGE - USA - The second mass shooting of law enforcement officers by deranged racially motivated gunmen within a short time period suggests an escalation towards martial law in the United States.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Baton Rouge Cop Killing Spree Escalation in Race War and Destabilisation - Daily Squib

BATON ROUGE - USA - The murder of a further three white police officers by Gavin Long, an African American indicates an escalation in the race war.

Thanks to Theresa May Scotland Will Now Block Article 50 - Daily Squib

GLASGOW - Scotland - Thanks to Theresa May, Article 50 to leave the EU will probably never be triggered.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Nice Terror Attack: What Happens Next? Emergency Plan - Daily Squib

NICE - France - The Daily Squib predicts the six step plan post Nice terror attack.

Fake Coup: Turk Army Plotters Couldn't Organise a Barbecue in a Kebab Shop - Daily Squib

ISTANBUL - Turkey - The Turkish army faction that attempted a faux coup have left the Turkish military looking very weak and a beaten emasculated force of wimps.

Friday 15 July 2016

Turkish Coup Latest: It Lasted Two Hours - Daily Squib

ISTANBUL - Turkey - The Turkish army coup may or may not have lasted for two hours, nobody seems to know.

BREAKING: Crazy Erdogan Has His Day - Daily Squib

ISTANBUL - Turkey - President Erdogan is now in hiding as the secular Turkish military has taken over his extremist Islamist government.

Schengen Promenade of Death a Wake Up Call For France? - Daily Squib

NICE - France - How many attacks will have to take place until the French wake up to what is going on in their country and EU?

Thursday 14 July 2016

BREAKING: 50 People Killed Truck Attack in Nice France Bastille Day - Daily Squib

NICE - France - Bastille Day has been marred by another act of terror as a truck ploughed into a crowd killing many,

Labour Party: Angela Gaffe Eagle Above Satire - Daily Squib

GRIMSBY - England - Whilst the Tories seem to be speeding ahead, organised and somewhat united, Labour is in utter turmoil.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Foreign Office: BoJo Strikes Gold - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Here was a man only a few weeks ago staring into a precipice, he had been stabbed callously in the back by what was a trusted friend, he had fallen from the summit of the prime rib ministership and then some.

Goodbye Dodgy Dave You Will Not Be Missed - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - David Cameron's legacy will be one of disgrace, dishonesty, treachery and lies.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Gove Falls On His Own Sword - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - As the Conservative contest for leadership heats up, Michael Gove is eliminated leaving Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom.

#AltonSterling U.S. Summer Shooting Season Extravaganza Begins in Earnest - Daily Squib

LOUISIANA - USA - Shooting season begins early this year as the balmy hot nights soak through the dark clouds of racial tension giving bitter reason to protest.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Gender Fluids Afraid of Plug Holes and Drains - Daily Squib

CALIFORNIA - USA - Doctors are encountering a new phobia that is sweeping campuses in the state amongst gender fluids.

Naive Socialist Swedes Reap What they Sow - Daily Squib

STOCKHOLM - Sweden - The recent attacks and assaults on Swedish women at music festivals by marauding migrant men is an example as to how socialist countries in Europe are naive to the effects of a mass migration open door policy.

Monday 4 July 2016

Happy Fourth of July in an Irrelevant America - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C - USA - America used to be relevant but it isn't any more. This epic fall from grace was of course helped by eight tortuous years of Obama, however the shoots of irrelevancy started way before.

Sunday 3 July 2016

Remainers Should Renounce British Citizenship and Apply to Live in Germany - Daily Squib

BERLIN - Germany - British people who voted to remain in the EU are welcomed in Germany.

Whitewash Chilcot Inquiry a Disgrace to Justice and Law - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The much awaited Chilcot Inquiry is a disgrace to the justice and law system, and an abhorrent document that puts blatant war criminals above the law.

Brexit At Risk: Pro-EU Leadsom and May Versus Brexiteer Gove - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Brexit is at real risk of either being watered down or simply ignored with wishy washy Conservative prime ministerial candidates like Andrea Leadsom and Theresa May.

Friday 1 July 2016

Ruthless Intelligent Michael Gove Pitches For PM Job - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Michael Gove has made a passionate speech pitching for the top seat of government.

Brexit at Risk: Remain MP Theresa May Backtracks On ECHR - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Remain campaigner Theresa May has already backtracked on dumping the ECHR which would have allowed Britain to deport dangerous criminals and terrorists.