Sunday 30 October 2016

Hook Up Sites Tinder and Grindr Good For Population Control - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - News that there has been a massive spike in syphilis amongst users of Tinder and Grindr is welcome news to many who are seriously concerned with over population.

Corrupt FBI Influencing Elections - Daily Squib

NEW YORK - USA - Timing is everything in an election, and this is proof alone that the FBI has an internal corruption problem as the shady timing of continuing an investigation into Hillary Clinton's email extravaganza suddenly rears its ugly head once again days before the election.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Heathrow Third Runway Needed For Influx of 'Child' Migrants - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Unaccompanied 'child' migrants will be flown in from France on an hourly basis into the UK over the next ten to twenty years, and this is why it is crucial for Heathrow to have a third runway, the government says.

US Election Latest: It's Over For Trump - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Most of us already knew it was never to be, but now even staunch Trump supporters are starting to feel the pressure of defeat.

Russia: When Satan Comes to Visit - Daily Squib

MOSCOW - Russia - The Russians have today unveiled their latest little play toy, the RS-28 Sarmat, or Satan 2, stealth ballistic missile which can destroy an area the size of France with a single detonation travelling at speeds up to Mach 12.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Thursday 20 October 2016

Members of Parliament Have Already Voted During the EU Referendum - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The ridiculous nonsense being trotted out by Remoaner MPs like Hilary Benn where he says 'members of parliament should not be bystanders' to Brexit is null and void.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

8-Year-Old Unaccompanied Child Calais Migrant Says Thank You For Toys - Daily Squib

DOVER - England - Children's toys were given to the unusually large 'children' who were granted leave to come to Britain from the Calais jungle camp yesterday.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

After Many Years Britain Slowly Emerging Like an Abused Wife From a Terrible Marriage - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Britain emerging into the light from the EU prison hurts the eyes at first, but you will get used to it, as sure as the globe opens up from the restrictive prison walls we have been behind for forty long years.

Shami 'Champagne' Chakrabarti Unveils New Champagne Label - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Shami Chakrabarti, the epitome of champagne socialism, has opened her own champagne label in Islington.

Trump Caught Talking Dirty to Farm Animal - Daily Squib

WYOMING - USA - Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump has been caught in another uproar, this time involving a farm animal.

Angry Bank Robbers Come Away Empty Handed After Deutsche Bank Raid - Daily Squib

HAMBURG - Germany - Bank robbers hoping for a lucrative robbery were shocked to find nothing at the main branch of Deutsche bank.

Saturday 15 October 2016

DEFCON 3 : USA Steps Up to the Plate For Russian Threat - Daily Squib

NORAD COLORADO SPRINGS - USA - According to many sources, we are now at DEFCON 3, due to the deterioration of relations between the United States and Russia.

Friday 14 October 2016

Champagne Socialist Lily Allen Sells Her Four Luxury Homes to Live in Jungle - Daily Squib

CALAIS - France - Former pop star who was educated at a top private school yet spoke in a mockney accent and pretended to be one of the people, has sold her four luxury homes so she can go and live in the Calais jungle.

Experts: Unleash the Evil Clowns Explained in Full - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The Chatham Institute of Enlightenment and Education has released a brief dossier outlining its thoughts on the sudden appearance of clowns around the streets worldwide.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Theresa May Should Have Invoked Article 50 Within a Week of Her Becoming PM - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Whilst Theresa May took country walks in the Swiss Alps, the quislings and traitors plotted to thwart Brexit.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Hard Brexit Will NOT Cost Britain £66 Billion Per Year - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The Treasury, under staunch Remainer, Philip Hammond, has released another Project Fear report peddling lies and nonsense to thwart Brexit.

Monday 10 October 2016

Presidential Debate Round 2: Teflon Don Does it Again - Daily Squib

ST. LOUIS - USA - The 'Teflon' Don came out fighting for the second presidential debate landing some well targeted fast zingers.

Saturday 8 October 2016

President Trump Inaugurates "Grab a Woman by the P*ssy Day" - Daily Squib

NEW JERSEY - USA - Newly elected republican president, Donald Trump, after his spectacular November election win, has designated July 27 as 'Grab a Woman by the Pussy Day' across the whole nation.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Impoverished Russia: Soon the Bear Will Lash Out in Desperation - Daily Squib

MOSCOW - Russia - Could Putin come out of the cold? It is not too late to make the right decision for the Russian people.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Revealed: Why There is No Mention of America or Australia in the Bible - Daily Squib

CANTERBURY - England - Theologians have revealed why an all seeing God in the Bible knew nothing about Australia or America.

Vindicating John Cleese On Journalism - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - John Cleese is perfectly correct in voicing his concerns about Scottish dominance in the English press.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

First Picture of Kardashian Armed Robber - Daily Squib

PARIS - France - The Daily Squib has received an exclusive first photograph of one of the armed robbers who tragically stole $43 million worth of jewellery from porn actress Kim Kardashian on Monday.

So Which Are the Best Online UK Casinos? - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - For overall reliability and security, UK online casinos are the top of their league in world standing.

Son of Bill Clinton: Trump's Been Digging - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON DC - USA - After a wounded Trump left the first presidential debate, he saw fit to release some interesting information about Bill Clinton.