Sunday 31 December 2017

Hollywood Planning 498 New Superhero Movies in New Year - Daily Squib

LOS ANGELES - USA - This year will see another torrent of superhero movies from Hollywood.

North Korean New Year Fireworks Celebration Goes Well - Daily Squib

PYONGYANG - N. Korea - This year's new year fireworks extravaganza has wowed not only the capital but the rest of the world.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Corbyn Getting Ready to Be PM - Number 10 in New Year - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The DS has had exclusive access to Jeremy Corbyn's entourage, and was allowed to divulge important information regarding the bid for taking Number 10 Downing Street in a political coup that would make any revolutionary shudder with true delight.

Tech Experts: Internet 2.0 Transition Beginning Soon - Daily Squib

THE NOOSPHERE - Government approved, control of every facet of the internet, an internet where all info will be gradually controlled and changed to fit a specific agenda.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Monday 18 December 2017

Friday 15 December 2017

Theresa May Applauded by EU leaders Because She 'made little effort bending over', Jean-Claude Juncker Says Ahead of Deal - Daily Squib

BRUSSELS - Belgium - European leaders are set to give their approval for Brexit talks to move on to the next phase today after Jean-Claude Juncker said last week's divorce deal amounted to "sufficient progress after massive concessions by the British".

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Stop Moaning Farage and Do Something About May's Non Brexit - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - A brief open communique to Chief Brexiteer Nigel Farage.

FAKE NEWS: Donald Trump Outraged at New Book That Reimagines Strange Historical Facts Through His Eyes - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Donald Trump today declared that all books written by satirical author David Hutter be incinerated in the White House incinerator.

Daily Squib in Talks With Egyptian Courts to Release Singer Who Ate Banana - Daily Squib

CAIRO - Egypt - A court which gave a two year jail sentence to a singer who appeared in a music video eating a banana has been petitioned by our lawyers and should be released soon.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Russians Now Living in Extreme Poverty Levels - Daily Squib

MOSCOW - Russia - The divide between rich and poor Russians has become wider under Vladimir Putin's reign.

Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament’s Brexit Coordinator Eats Cockroach On Live TV - Daily Squib

STRASBOURG - France - The so-called Brexit negotiations were today put on hold as Guy Verhofstadt ate fourteen cockroaches whilst talking at the EU parliament building.

#youtoo Sexual Harassment Hashtag Takes Over Twitter - Daily Squib

SAN FRANCISCO - USA - Men who have unjustifiably been accused of sexual harassment and unjustly tried on social networks by self-appointed judges with no evidence to back up their claims, are fighting back with a #youtoo hashtag.

John Cleese in Cafe Breastfeeding Row - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - John Cleese, English actor and comedian has been involved in a breastfeeding row at The Grosvenor café Soho.

Feminists Want 'Phallic' Christmas Trees Banned - Daily Squib

LOS ANGELES - USA - Feminist groups are urging the banning of all Christmas trees, usually used in the Christmas season and decorated, to be banned as they represent a fertile phallus as conducted in Pagan ceremonies thousands of years ago, and later adopted by Christians.

Triumphant Theresa May Delivers Non-Brexit - Daily Squib

BRUSSELS - Belgium - A jubilant and triumphant Theresa May today patted herself on the back for delivering a Brexit that is not actually a Brexit but is technically a Brexit only in name.

Trump Recognizes Kiev, Ukraine as Russia's Capital - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - President Donald Trump recognized Kiev as Russia's capital on Wednesday and announced plans to relocate the US Embassy there, a move expected to inflame tensions in the region and unsettle the prospects for peace.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Urusalima: There is No Peaceful Solution to a 4,000 Year Old Problem - Daily Squib

JERUSALEM - Israel - The problem of land ownership of this region of the Middle East has been ongoing for thousands of years.

Monday 4 December 2017

Welcome to Donkey Brexit Britain! - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Welcome to donkey Britain, the laughing stock of the world where Brexit means no Brexit.

Why the Government Will Not Be Able to Regulate Cryptocurrencies - Daily Squib

NOOSPHERE - If there is proof needed that idiots run governments, trying to regulate cryptocurrencies is another verifiable reason that governments are indeed overrun by idiots.

Today the Day Theresa May Starts Looking For Another Job - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Downing Street officials have confirmed that today is the day Theresa May will be looking for another job after giving away multiple concessions to Brussels during Brexit negotiations.

Friday 1 December 2017

Trump Tweet to Daily Squib Demands Removal of Interview - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - In a twitter tweet today, President Trump demanded the Daily Squib take down an interview we conducted with him in 2016.

Thursday 30 November 2017

The Evil of Tony Blair Never Falters - Daily Squib

PARIS - France - Former British PM, Tony Blair, has been speaking to the French about thwarting Brexit.

Moaning Luvvie and His Continual Last Film

CORK - Ireland - According to eternally moaning luvvie Daniel Day Lewis, this is his last film, just like his other last film.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

BAD DEAL: Weak Theresa May to Pay EU Ransom 100 Billion Euros - Daily Squib

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Theresa May has capitulated to the EU ransom demands and will pay them 100 Billion euros.

London Mayor's Gender Neutral Toilets Have Holes in Them - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Sadiq Khan’s planning blueprint will call for more gender neutral loos, and different types of toilets to cater to people’s differing needs.

Monday 27 November 2017

New Reality Show: I'm a Celebrity Sex-Pest Get Me In There - Daily Squib

BORNEO - Channel 5 are piloting a new reality show from entertainment company Endemol called "I'm a Celebrity Sex-Pest Get Me In There".

Royal Family Prepares Itself For Arrival of Creole Princess - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The Royal family prepare to move into the 21st Century by welcoming Prince Harry's new bride-to-be Meghan Markle.

Friday 24 November 2017

BREXIT: EU High Representative Joins Discussion With Theresa May

BRUSSELS - Belgium - The EU Commission brought out their secret weapon that they have been hiding throughout Brexit talks.

Black Friday Pandemic Spreading Across Globe

USA - There's a virus that has been around since the dawn of time, and now it is so prevalent that it is in fact taking over the globe.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

and the Epica Awards For 2017 Go to?

BERLIN - Germany - It has truly been an honour for the Daily Squib to have been chosen as part of the jury for this year's Epica Awards, a creative maelstrom of work submitted from all over the world in the field of advertising.

Monday 20 November 2017

Good News: EU Has Change of Heart Lets Britain Go Without Ransom Payment - Daily Squib

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Much like a kind hearted hostage taker, the EU has had a pleasant change of heart, and will let Britain leave without having to pay a massive ransom payment.

Saturday 18 November 2017

The Intrinsic Difference Between Satire and 'Fake News' - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The literary genre of satire has been mislabelled by the ignorant as 'fake news'. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Mugabe Democratic Election Into Obscurity Goes Well - Daily Squib

HARARE - Zimbabwe - Former president Robert Mugabe is under house arrest after a military coup overthrowing him from his terrible reign.

Mild Mannered Christians Proclaim Jihad On Greggs Bakery - Daily Squib

OXFORD - England - In response to an advertisement depicting a Greggs sausage roll instead of Jesus in a Manger, many Christians have declared Jihad on the bakery.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Researchers Grow Massive Frankenstein Brain in Lab For First Time - Daily Squib

DÃœSSELDORF - Germany - In a huge scientific breakthrough, researchers have been growing 'Frankenstein' mega brains in a lab in a bid to uncover the secrets behind the workings of brains.

Sunday 12 November 2017

West Entering New Puritanical Age - Daily Squib

LOS ANGELES - USA - One thing we have learned about puritanical Millenials schooled by mainly Marxist tutors over the years, is that we are now entering an age of puritanism.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Why Pretty Patel Should Not Be Sacked - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Theresa May must not sack Priti Patel. We give good reasons for our stance.

Black Plague Spreads - When Mother Nature Fights Back - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The secretive think tank which deals with overpopulation matters called CULL, release their latest communique.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Monday 6 November 2017

Consensus: Socialists More Dangerous When Out of Power - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The socialists now out of power in America and the UK are utilising guerilla soviet destabilising techniques on society and the current right-leaning establishment.

New Hollywood Movie: 'Meet the Fockers Part Deux' Hits Box Office - Daily Squib

LOS ANGELES - USA - The latest addition to the celebrated Fockers series of movies has hit the box office with sales hitting the cutting room floor.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Theresa May: "Men Will Have to Go Through Five Govt Agencies When Coming On to Women" - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Prime Minister Theresa May has bowed down to Commons pressure and revealed a White Paper plan to solve the crisis hitting Britain and the Western World regarding men and their relations to women.

New Yorkers Take to Stilts and Pogo Sticks For Safe Walking and Cycling - Daily Squib

NEW YORK - USA - Following the latests terrorist outrage where an ISIS operative mowed down innocent cyclists, New Yorkers have taken to stilts and other methods of transport.

Monday 30 October 2017

MP: "Women Should Never Have Been Allowed in Parliament" - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - An MP who stood up today in the House of Commons and spoke, has been hounded out of parliament.

Saturday 28 October 2017

Berlin Wall Fall - Catalonia Independence Revolution - End of EU Soviet Union - Daily Squib

BARCELONA - Catalonia - This is the beginning of the end of Soviet EU rule with the separation state declaring independence from the Spanish sector of the Soviet EUnion.

Friday 27 October 2017

#metoo Trump is Probably Next On the List

WASHINGTON D.C - USA - As the bloodletting continues for some men in power, is Donald Trump next?

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Toxic Clintons to be Dumped in the Atlantic Ocean - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The Clintons are now so toxic in American politics with their double-dealing crooked ways, that even the elites are washing their hands of them.