Tuesday 31 January 2017

If the Queen Lunched With Idi Amin She Can Certainly Meet Trump - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - On July 13, 1971, Uganda's President, General Idi Amin, lunched with Queen Elizabeth in London before meeting Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas Home.

5 Great Hotels to Stay in America For Muslims Visiting - Daily Squib

NEW YORK - USA - If you are a Muslim and do manage to get into America during the Trump presidency, here are some great tips for enjoying your stay in this wonderful hospitable country.

Friday 27 January 2017

Trump: "Twenty Bucks For Every Hispanic Shot Near Mexico Wall" - Daily Squib

TRUMP WALL - USA - The new president of the United States, is moving with breakneck speed in stopping illegal immigrants from Mexico and South America coming over the border.

When Donald Met Theresa - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C - USA - Having the Don on the side of Brexit and against the EU is a good thing, a damn, damn, good thing that must be encouraged at all times.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Labour Three-line Whip to Seal Article 50, Hopefully - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, has been busy in the House of Lords getting some names of good madams and mistresses who are proficient with the whip.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Madonna Seen Lurking Outside White House - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Pop star, Madonna was seen lurking outside the White House today and was promptly told to leave by a group of secret service men.

Trump USA Reverts Back to Evangelical Christians and Jews Against Islam - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C - USA - From the absence of religion of the Obama years, Trump's inauguration doled out more God-botherers in half an hour than Obama's whole term.

Gina Miller and Foreign Treason Wins Momentarily Over Brexit - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - As treachery and treason comes, having a citizen of Guyana win a court case thwarting the will of the British people simply because she paid europhile judges lots of money is a definite pitiful note in Britain's democracy.

Friday 20 January 2017

Why America Will Never Be Great - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - America, possibly the 'greatest' nation/empire ever created which in fact was never great or will ever achieve greatness.

Thursday 19 January 2017

The End of Obama Gulag Years - Daily Squib

THE INTERNET - Noosphere - And on the twentieth day he was gone, an entity that had purged the earth of free speech, freedom and justice. Obama is no more.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

We'll Believe It When We See It Mrs May - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Yesterday, Theresa May unloaded a semi-plan for Brexit. To put it simply she claimed she supported an exit from the single market and customs union with Brussels.

Monday 16 January 2017

Homeless Michelle Obama Woes After White House - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - We caught up with Michelle Obama who is not taking her and her family's removal from the White House at all well.

Homeless Michelle Obama Woes After White House - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - We caught up with Michelle Obama who is not taking her and her family's removal from the White House at all well.

Friday 13 January 2017

Exclusive: Leaked Still From Trump Golden Shower Video - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The Daily Squib has gained exclusive video footage of the now infamous Trump Golden Shower video, which was acquired by FSB agents at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Moscow.

Global Domination: Facebook Developing Mind-Reading Device - Daily Squib

MENLO PARK - USA - The octopus grip of Facebook already has its tentacles deeply entrenched in the world's population, however that's not good enough for Mark Zuckerberg, he want to go further, he wants to dominate your mind completely.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Leaked Intelligence Report: Trump Golden Showers Extravaganza - Daily Squib

MOSCOW - Russia - According to a leaked intelligence report, president elect Donald Trump was filmed by Russian agents receiving golden showers from prostitutes.

Monday 9 January 2017

Home Surveillance: Alexa Amazon Echo Leads the Way - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Everyone loves a gadget but having something in your home all day and all night recording your conversations are the next step in surveillance of individuals in the privacy of their own homes.

London Underground: "What We're Doing On Our Tube Strike" - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - It's another lovely Monday morning and what better time then to have a tube strike bringing chaos and misery to many London commuters.

PC University Students: If Plato Was Black He Would Be 'Aight' - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - University students demand philosophers such as Plato and Kant are removed from syllabus because they are white.

Friday 6 January 2017

Brexit Now: 35 Hours On NHS Trolley Only to Die a Sordid Death - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - As Britain's population grows exponentially due to unfettered migration, the NHS is left on its knees, used and abused by millions.