Friday 10 February 2017

Article 50: House of Lords or Labour Appointed Euro-Peers on EU Pensions? - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The final hurdle in political scrutiny in the House of Lords brought upon by the miserable Remoaners and their insidious campaign to derail the peoples vote that was conclusively for Brexit, will be the test of all tests.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson Refused Entry into First Class Lounge in Heaven - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The tragic loss of socialite celebrity Tara Palmer-Tomkinson brings a tear to the meandering hills of Peru from which she had partaken with so much gusto.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Why Boycotting BBC Licence is Only Way to Induce Change - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Already millions of people are not paying the BBC licence fee, a tax that is imposed on the population of Britain even though many do not watch the BBC or even connect their TVs to the network.

Profligate Greeks the Poison Ordered Up by EU Idiots Too Blind to See - Daily Squib

ATHENS - Greece - Global financiers at the IMF are increasingly unwilling to fund endless bailouts for the eurozone’s most troubled country, even though Germany is willing to throw away billions into a Greek black cash hole.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

The Neutrality of House Speaker Bercow and Other Things - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - News from Westminster suggests that the current House Speaker, John Bercow is on the way out after his impartial intervention for the Trump visit.

Monday 6 February 2017

The Insincerity of David Beckham's Charity Masquerade - Daily Squib

LOS ANGELES - USA - If one wants even more proof that celebrities do charity only for themselves, David Beckham, who has latched on to UNICEF is a prime example of a liar extraordinaire.

Why Christians Should Be Banned From Entering the U.S. - Daily Squib

NEW YORK - USA - If you're going to ban Muslims from entering America, it goes without saying that Christians should be banned as well.

Tax Slaves Should Be Honoured For Giving Lives For Nothing Says Unemployed Man - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - An unemployed man has come to the realisation that people who work for most of the year to pay tax should be honoured some how by the state for giving themselves selflessly to the state.

Muslim Travel Ban: Obama Stopped From Entering United States - Daily Squib

CHICAGO - USA - Former president of the U.S. Barack Hussein Obama has been detained at O'Hare airport and refused entry into the country.