Saturday 29 April 2017

EU Blackmail: Totalitarian State Holds Britain to Ransom - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - There should be no bargaining with blackmailers or totalitarian regimes who hold Britain to ransom.

Friday 28 April 2017

Corbyn Calls Boris Johnson a 'Fopdoodling Old Scobberlotcher!' - Daily Squib

SCUNTHORPE - England - After being called a 'mutton-headed mugwump' by Boris Johnson the other day, illiterate Labour party advisers have been scouring dictionaries for hours on end trying to find something suitable to shout back at the Conservative Foreign Secretary.

Cryogenically Frozen Brain Transplanted in Wrong Body, Claims Surgeon - Daily Squib

TURIN - Italy - Professor Sergio Cannelloni, Director of the Shroud Advanced Neuromodulation Group, who carried out the world's first brain transplant 10 months ago may have had a minor mishap during one of his operations.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Comrade Keir Starmer a Danger to Real Brexit - Urgent Communique to Labour Brexiteers - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The UK and correct Brexit, is in immediate danger if Labour makes ground.

How North Korean Cuisine Has Evolved Over the Years - Daily Squib

PYONGYANG - N. Korea - Today in the capital city, one can order up pizza, and all manner of Western delights if you have the correct access, however it was not always like that.

Friday 21 April 2017

French Election Schengen Zone Terrorism - Marine Le Pen the Only Answer - Daily Squib

PARIS - France is effectively an open house from the border of Syria to Calais, with little or no border checks, Kalashnikovs, grenade launchers, semtex, drugs, terrorists and illegal migrants are funnelled through the Schengen corridor day and night.

Thursday 20 April 2017

General Election 2017: Jeremy Corbyn Vows to 'Overturn the Rigged System' - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Supreme Comrade and Soviet Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has vowed to "overturn the rigged system" by putting power and wealth back in the hands of "the people".

Farewell to Bill O'Reilly - Daily Squib

CHICAGO - USA - Fox News Anchor, Bill O'Reilly has finally been ousted from the network.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Thursday 13 April 2017

Latest Thrill Seek: Getting Dragged Off a United Airlines Flight - Daily Squib

NEW YORK - USA - Thrill seekers and extreme sports fanatics are flocking to United Airlines in the hope of being dragged off a flight.

Michio Kaku and Richard Dawkins in Fist Fight Drama - Daily Squib

LOS ANGELES - USA - The celebrity scientists were both attending the same book launch for some scientific tome, when out of the blue they started attacking each other.

Nicola Sturgeon Gives Birth After Sudden Pregnancy - Daily Squib

THE HIGHLANDS - Scotland - According to SNP aides on a recent field trip to Loch Ruthven, which lies 2.3 km south east of Loch Ness, Nicola Sturgeon rushed into the water at great speed, lifted her skirt and immediately gave birth.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

North Korean Air Force Readies Itself For Trump Showdown - Daily Squib

PYONGYANG - N. Korea - The North Korean air force was on standby today as a U.S. battleship made its way towards the communist country.

Monday 10 April 2017

Love at First Sight at EDL March - Daily Squib

BIRMINGHAM - England - At what was supposed to be a hate-filled race baiting event by the EDL, spectacularly, love flourished instead.

Why Wasn't There Any Religion Before Humans Existed? - Daily Squib

FLORENCE - Italy - Professor Luigi Glaucomo, head of philosophy at Firenze University has written a new literary piece on the ultimate question: "Why Was There No Religion or Gods Before Humans Existed?"

Friday 7 April 2017