Thursday 31 August 2017

Star Wars 'The Last Jedi' Luke Skywalker Secrets Leaked - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - A leaked memo from the production team for the latest Star Wars installation named The Last Jedi, has revealed some amazing information about Luke Skywalker that will possibly freak out all those stalwart Star Wars fans who await the film in December.

Daily Squib Appointed As One of Jurors For Prestigious Epica Advertising Awards - Daily Squib

PARIS - France - The prestigious Epica awards, covering advertising, design, PR and digital is an icon of creative excellence and this year has included the Daily Squib as one of the jurors.

Help Hurricane Harvey Survivors - Daily Squib

HOUSTON - USA - Seeing the devastation to peoples lives in Texas from hurricane Harvey over the last couple of days, with little or no coverage in Europe, we at the Daily Squib have been watching scenes on YouTube.

Banned Film "Gone With the Wind" Now Gone With the Wind - Daily Squib

SOUTH CAROLINA - USA - By banning the film 'Gone With the Wind' American socialists are taking another forbidden step backwards into the unforgiving world of engendering more racial hatred.

Friday 25 August 2017

Has Plastique Narcissist Macron Gone Over the Top With Makeup Bill? - Daily Squib

VERSAILLES - France - French President Emmanuel Macron has spent €26,000 (£23,900) on makeup and beauty costs in his first three months in power.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Archaeologists: Why Romans Had Big Butts - Daily Squib

ROME - Italy - Romans had big asses, according to a team of archaeologists who have analysed thousands of bones all across the former Roman Empire.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Confederate Statues to be Replaced By 100ft Trayvon Martin Statues - Daily Squib

CHARLOTTESVILLE - USA - All Southern states are having their historical statues forcibly taken down and destroyed to erase history in an Orwellian purge led by communists.

Monday 21 August 2017

Hunchback of Notre Dame Takes Up Residency With Big Ben - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Jean Claude Junckimodo, aka the Hunchback of Notre Dame, has taken up residence in Elizabeth Tower where Big Ben is now silent.

Friday 18 August 2017

How to Walk On the Pavement in Europe - Daily Squib

BARCELONA - Spain - Nowhere is safe any more thanks to the uncaring EU Commission and their ridiculous Schengen zone.

Bonnie Tyler to be Resurrected From the Dead For Total Eclipse - Daily Squib

FLORIDA - USA - Eighties pop starlet, Bonnie Tyler, who can literally make paint peel with her voice, has been recruited to sing on a Caribbean cruise ship for the total eclipse which will take place on August 21.

Game of Thrones Peter Dinklage Eaten By Husky On Set - Daily Squib

IRELAND - Filming for Game of Thrones episode eight was halted momentarily after actor Peter Dinklage was eaten whole by a husky dog on set on Wednesday.

Barcelona Schengen Terrorist Massacre: No Comment - Daily Squib

SCHENGEN ZONE - EU - The Schengen zone extends from Calais, France to the outer edges of Europe where a steady level of traffic from all over the Middle East, Africa and South East Asia crosses into it on a daily basis.

Thursday 17 August 2017

Kim Jong-un 'No Longer Seen as God' By North Koreans - Daily Squib

PYONGYANG - N. Korea - Despotic communist leader, Kim Jong-un is no longer worshipped in North Korea by his people.

Sunday 13 August 2017

Wiping Out History: The Charlottesville Communist Agenda - Daily Squib

CHARLOTTESVILLE - USA - The removal of historical iconic statues, like General E. Lee are an affront to history and the story of the human condition.

Friday 11 August 2017

Juncker Planning Trip to Moon 124 Billion Euros One Way - Daily Squib

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Jean Claude Juncker and his team have been caught spending 500,000 euros of EU taxpayers money on two months of luxury travel. But that's not the end of it..

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Disney Streaming Another Nail In Hollywood Coffin - Daily Squib

LOS ANGELES - USA - With cinemas seeing less and less viewers, streaming on the internet has now become king.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Music Biz: The Wailing Lament of Sinead O'Connor - Daily Squib

NEW JERSEY - USA - O woe, the wailing sound of Sinead O'Connor spews itself across the internet, an amalgamation of self-pity, lost stardom and synapses firing in all directions at the same time.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Analyst: Why ISIS Was Doomed to Failure - Daily Squib

VIRGINIA - USA - Retired military analyst, Joseph Dresden, reveals the major flaw that will see ISIS eventually defeated.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Scaramanga Vows to Get Back at Trump After White House Firing - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Donald Trump hailed “a great day at the White House” following the removal of communications director Scaramanga after just 10 days.

Apparently Americans Too Drugged Up to Work - Daily Squib

NEW YORK - USA - Numerous reports find a fresh reason for the chronic inability of American companies to fill skilled jobs: not a lack of skills, and hence a training-and-education crisis, but a surfeit of drug abuse.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Dunkirk: Triggered Feminist Wants More Women Fighting in WW2 Films - Daily Squib

NEW YORK - USA - Women's magazine columnist Mehantara Boner is upset that the new blockbuster movie Dunkirk is an "excuse for men to celebrate maleness".

AA Chief Falls Off Cliff - Daily Squib

BASINGSTOKE - England - The AA has announced it has fired its executive chairman Bob Mackenzie for ‘gross misconduct’ with immediate effect.