Wednesday 31 January 2018

When the Tories Are Not Conservative Anymore - Jeremy Corbyn is a Viable Option - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - When the Conservative party is no longer conservative, what redress does the voter have for the next election apart from voting for Jeremy Corbyn?

Tuesday 30 January 2018

The Watered Down Death of Brexit Means the Death of Democracy in Britain - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The Remainer-led watered down Brexit ultimately means the death of democracy in the United Kingdom.

Up Yours Juncker/Delors No! No! No! - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - October 30 1990, was a day in which former PM Margaret Thatcher gave a very pertinent speech which still echoes today.

Monday 29 January 2018

The Woman With No Face Trying to Thwart Brexit - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Who is this woman, this faceless piece of meat, this stench filled cursed monster who seeks to thwart the will of the nation's people?

Ikea Founder Ingvar Kamprad Was Buried in Flatpack Coffin - Daily Squib

STOCKHOLM - Sweden - The founder of Sweden’s Ikea furniture chain, Ingvar Kamprad, who died at the age of 91, was buried in a flatpack Ikea coffin.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Daily Squib YouTube Channel Censored and Demonetized - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The YouTube channel for the Daily Squib has been demonetized and censored by Google.

Scientists: The Future of Brain Enhancement and Global Genetic IQ Variables - Daily Squib

JUNGFRAU-ALETSCH - Switzerland - Behavioural scientists from a clinical research facility deep in the mountains of Switzerland are researching the many variables and dialectic response factors in human reactions to other people/races/groups/political parties regarding the digital enhancement of intelligence globally.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Britain VS Russia: Bring Back the Compulsory Draft - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The UK military spending budget is woefully behind Russia. Britain must also embrace compulsory military conscription.

Monday 22 January 2018

Why Disgraceful Theresa May Must Go - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - The decay of Theresa May and her disastrous stance on Brexit means she is ineffectual and useless. She must go.

Was Donald Trump Worth It? - Daily Squib

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Donald Trump in his first year has been way too nice. He needs to get into gear or lose the next election.

Friday 19 January 2018

Prince William Debuts New Hirsute Look - Daily Squib

KENSINGTON - England - Prince William reportedly forked out £180 for a Myspace cut after getting sick of being “teased by Prince Harry about going bald”, it has been reported.

Thursday 18 January 2018

#metoo 'Hypocrites' Stunned By Brigitte Bardot Fight Back - Daily Squib

ST TROPEZ - France - The backlash against the hypocritical #metoo feminists continues with iconic actress Brigitte Bardot.

Epica Awards announces Responsibility Grand Prix - Daily Squib

PARIS - France - The creative prize judged by journalists extends partnership with ACT Responsible to launch a specific Grand Prix for good causes.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Sunglass Fashion For Women This Summer - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Sunglasses this year are going to be great. Let's check out the latest styles that will be in vogue. Wow.

New Russian AI Android Robot Fuelled By Vodka - Daily Squib

MOSCOW - Russia - Russian supreme president, Vladimir Putin, today unveiled a Russian artificial intelligence genius robot that is fuelled solely on vodka.

Britain to Hold EU Referendum Every Year Indefinitely - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Theresa May and prominent Remainers have agreed to hold an In/Out EU Referendum every year.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Germans Embracing Islam and Allah - Daily Squib

BERLIN - Germany - Thousands of Germans are daily coming around to the glory of Islam, and its inherent peaceful message.

Why the Surprise That Twitter Looks Through and Sells Private Messages? - Daily Squib

SAN FRANCISCO - USA - There is no surprise that Twitter looks through private mail and sells the info to advertisers.

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Big Silence: Real Women Fight Back Puritanical #metoo Feminists - Daily Squib

PARIS - France - Actress, Catherine Deneuve and 100 other women have spoken up against the puritanical #metoo feminists who are conducting a campaign of male hatred.

Cabinet Reshuffle Latest: Theresa May Relegates Self to Backbenches - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Former PM, Theresa May has spectacularly reshuffled herself back to the backbenches during a chaotic Cabinet reshuffle session that has frankly teetered on incompetence.

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Monkey Offended at Being Depicted as 'Coolest Human in the Jungle' - Daily Squib

NEW YORK - USA - Zoo animal, Nyrkoo said Monday that he will no longer work with H&M after the clothing company posted an ad of a monkey in a sweatshirt with the words “Coolest human in the jungle” on the front.

Saturday 6 January 2018

Friday 5 January 2018

Thursday 4 January 2018

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Analysts: What is Going to Be Kim Jong-Un's Next Move? - Daily Squib

VIRGINIA - USA - Former analysts who worked for a clandestine agency reveal some of the scenarios of an escalation in tensions with the N. Korean communist state.

Monday 1 January 2018

Fake News Fake News Fake News - Daily Squib

LONDON - England - Fake news is the catch-all term that defined the year 2017, but will the hysteria continue?